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How Digital Direct Marketing for Tourism Works

How Digital Direct Marketing for Tourism Works

How Digital Direct Marketing for Tourism Works

Digital direct marketing is increasingly used as a form of advertising, including and especially in the tourism sector. Communication directly and one-to-one with users represents an added value compared to traditional advertising campaigns.

When we talk about digital direct marketing we refer to a form of direct response marketing, concretized with a set of activities aimed at building a direct contact with the single user, customer or potential person, to whom to submit a series of real contents interest and without the intervention of any intermediary. This communication method involves the use of a series of tools useful in one-to-one communication with the user. The main ones that are used include:

  • Direct mail, or rather sending precise and periodic emails, planned and structured in order to solicit a response from the user
  • E-mail marketing, the most complete solution, that is, the one that allows a series of customizations according to the target identified
  • Telemarketing, or the association of the classic telephone call with other pre-established communication tools
  • Direct multimedia messaging, especially linked to social networks and the use of chatbots.

The common thread that binds these tools is given by the focus on the customer and not on the product or service you want to sell, the segmentation of users, the identification of subjects really interested and which therefore is thought to be more likely to get a response from them and, finally, the real customization of what is presented.

Digital Direct Marketing and Tourism: A Perfect Combination

The tourism sector was probably one of the first to be conditioned by technological evolution especially for Photography Services. The presence of sites dedicated to booking online flights, hotels and apartments directly, as well as the possibility to search for destinations and information relating to the areas to visit, have led this area to become one of the most advanced in the digital world.

For this reason, the choice by operators in the tourism sector to consider the possibility of employing digital direct marketing strategies, could allow them to attract an increasing number of users, retain customer loyalty and above all create a connection network such as to keep always updated your contacts. If this is what you want, it is good to keep in mind some key points to set as an objective when deciding to implement this extremely powerful communication medium:

  • Strengthen your online presence
  • Understand the needs of customers in order to acquire them definitively
  • Communicate directly and one-to-one

Interact also at the end of the trip, submitting offers that may interest them, requesting the compilation of satisfaction questionnaires or on future destinations that may interest them.

All these factors will allow you to implement your communication level and will inevitably strengthen the bond with users. In fact, once personalized offers have been submitted, but also to the subsequent profiling of the user based on his / her interests (in this case the destinations of possible future trips), ad hoc material and promotions could be sent periodically.

How to Implement Digital Direct Marketing in the Tourism Sector

Once the strategy to be used has been established, it is necessary to find the communication language suitable for the sector. Luckily, when it comes to tourism, the material available is really a lot, whether it is images, videos, but also textually, therefore communicating with the user will not be absolutely difficult.

For this reason, once the data of the users and customers already established have been collected , they can be divided into different categories according to the destinations of interest, the preferred periods of the year for booking holidays, but also by age and composition of the family, taking into account for example if they have small children, single or elderly. Starting from these operations, the ideal would be to opt for the differentiation of content, offering interesting images and blog contents capable of arousing real interest.

From here you could then move on to even more direct communication, for example by offering special promotions for stays in areas for which they have shown interest or desire to visit, periodically proposing the sending of accomplices tourist guides in the further increase of desire to depart. Lastly, never forget the request for reviews, an indispensable factor to allow the user to express judgment and see himself actually listened to by someone. If on the one hand these aspects are easily understood, on the other it could be difficult to manage this amount of data.

For this reason, software has been created to automate all these operations, to the consequent monitoring of data, as well as to the management of those collected. These are inbound marketing software, first of all Hubspot. In fact, thanks to this tool, most of the actions will be automated, freeing the user from the manual execution of the same, as well as guaranteeing significant savings in terms of timing.

So here is how thinking about digital direct marketing in the tourism sector we can realize that probably we too have sometimes been unaware victims of that, thanks to preferences issued previously, we have received similar offers.

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